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  • Writer's pictureIt's Tiffany!


Hey everyone, welcome to my blog! Since quarantine has happened, our daily routine has been changing a lot. I personally found it difficult to boost myself in the morning working from home; however, there are some things I did that are effective and I'd love to share with you guys. Here are 5 things I do to boost my morning energy :

1. Get up at least an hour earlier than your work time

- Did you realize that we usually feel overwhelmed when we wake up right before the working time and jump into work without preparing ? Get up one hour earlier will make you feel comfortable as you know you still have some times to enjoy your morning, watery your plants or just make a cup of coffee.

2. Take a shower

- Wake your body up with a cold shower keep you ready and focused throughout the day.

3. Spend more time on skincare routine

- Healthy skin, Happy me! When you have time to take care of yourself and see it getting better everyday, that is something that will make you happy! Looking at your skin in the morning that is hydrated and super glowy ? I mean…YEAH!

4. Make your favorite drink. Mine is coffee!

- We can find tons of benefits of caffeine to our brain. However, the main point is when you know you will get your favorite drink in the next morning, somehow you will be excited to wake up! It could be a cup of tea or coffee, it really depends on you. I love Vietnamese coffee as it smells good and strong enough to keep me awake!

5. Mentally ready since the night before

- Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous, but it works! I usually spend the most of the night doing things that I want; for example : drinking milk tea, watching a movie…and don’t really care about the world. When I'm fulfilled myself with some quality "me" time, I'm happy to give out myself to work the next morning!

Yes! That's it! These are things I'm doing to boost myself up in the morning. Hope you guys find it helpful! If you have any ideas, don't hesitate to share!

Hope to see you in the next blog!



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